
Huge land of forests, snowy vistas, wild rivers and huge lakes

Canada is big. It’s the second largest country in the world. It is a land of magnificent forests, snowy vistas, wild rivers and huge lakes and, of course, warm and friendly Canadians. A Gap Year programme in Canada allows you to work and study English and have a some unforgettable adventures.  Our English schools in Canada offer a wide choice of English exams for all levels.

Canada is a country of the great outdoors and unlimited winter sports. It was founded as nation in 1867 with two territories governed by the British and French, who are still trying to sort out some of their differences. Canadians enjoy an excellent standard of living and their country is thought by many to be one of the world’s most liveable places. It's also a relatively cheap destination for English language travel. The quality of schools in Canada is excellent. We think the Canadians do it considerably better (and cheaper) than their southern neighbours.

The skiing and snow-boarding is also brilliant. We even have school on Whistler mountain as well as Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Victoria, Yes, you can study for your FCE or CAE in the morning and surf in the afternoon. Not bad eh?